CREST OF C's ~ Writing Highlights



Shock Catcher Art by Grain Shallots In one dreadful future, the Earth becomes engulfed in an eternal lightningstorm. The United States of America, once the world's leading superpower, is reduced to a wasteland known as the "Glass Desert"... except for a series of domes ruled by corporations. Through state-of-the-art technology, the "Lighthouse Domes" harness the endless storm, producing infinite, limitless energy. Nowadays, the domes are flashy, overwhelming worlds of fake lights and hollow spectacle. People are little more than company assets, their hopes and dreams dangled in front of them while the powerful fight over what little land remains. In these trying times, a single goal burns at the forefront of everyone's mind: To die as someone, rather than something.

Zynthette. A service company that loans out mercenaries known as "Fixers" to carry out the will of warring corporations. They have no loyalty to anyone except their current client, and themselves. Hidden under the shadows of the giants, Fixers fulfill their mission without any mercy, shame, or regard for the law, utilizing every tool at their disposal... Primarily "Inazumen", reanimated corpses powered by electricity on borrowed time. Most Inazumen barely live longer than 15 years. They are brought to the world to fight, kill, and die. And yet, in the short time they have, some still have ambitions.

Shock Catcher - The Taste of Today is a webnovel inspired by a character created by a good friend of mine. It's the story of Amber and Whitlocke; an Inazuman agent whose only goal is to get back at the world that rejected her, and a man with a desperate wish of being the world's white knight. What starts as a simple job leads to Amber meeting and clashing with "Torcoise", an ex-Zynthette Inazuman who works as an idol and mascot for a soda company. In the electric engine of the domes, where to be ordinary means to fade away as a cog in the machine... What does Amber, who has no dreams, fight for?

The story was released privately in parts, with Act 1 being released in 2022 and Act 2 in 2023. Act 3 will be finished later this year, and at that point the full story will be released publically. Check out some previews!
  • Amber comes face-to-face with a new opponent. (Read)
  • Amber and Torcoise's fateful showdown faces interference. How do you salvage a duel to the death? (Read)


MaGMML3 Promo Art by Karakato The year is 20XX and it's time for the Sixth Worldwide Sponsored Robot Tournament! However, something is immediately up! The host, "Ernest Will", who looks suspiciously like the mad genius Dr. Wily, has signed up Mega Man without his consent or even knowledge! When they arrive, they find out that there's a mysterious saboteur seeking to hijack the tournament and carry out an evil scheme! Mega Man must infiltrate the tournament and stop the threat, but it's easier said than done! The challenges are fierce, and the competition is even fiercer! Allies and rivals alike await Mega Man as he fights to make it to the finals and uphold everlasting peace!

MaGMML3 is a freeware fangame that compiles a massive level design contest into a complete game experience, framing the contest results as a tournament that Mega Man and a cast of colorful rivals must compete in for a massive prize. But of course, like every good tournament arc, it's about more than just the money for all of these characters, who all have something to prove! I was in charge of the characterization and arcs for four of the game's five rivals, and in the end I created memorable characters that the game's community still debates and makes polls about to this day.
  • Mega Man is ambushed by a competitor, who introduces him to a new rival. (Watch)
  • At the grand finals, Mega Man fights against Hunter Woman! After the battle, she learns something new. (Watch)


Every night on the backwater planet Yenaugra, Carlo Tremole gazes at the stars and dreams of escaping his small corner of the galaxy. School, chores, his poet's heart longs to be free from the shackles of dull everyday life. The IHL 5th Brigade. A squad of warriors, delivering blazing justice with their arms of steel. After the Legrange Incident, they were heroes. He wished he could be like them. Day after dreary day, he was sure his hopes were doomed to be distant dreams... Until he met her.

From space she fell, like a bolt of lightning turning his once boring life into ash. Together with Pathlight, he stands against the dark energy corroding the universe, the Kesslers. Together with Pathy, two hearts will become one.

Star Romance Pathlight is a 35k light novel one-shot written in a single month with little planning as part of a self-imposed challenge. A coming-of-age story that homages early-2000s mecha anime such as Eureka Seven and Overman King Gainer; I personally see it as a testament of my ability to make a 1 from a 0 and just move. The prologue, which features great tension and gnarly bug deaths, is still something I'm very proud of.
  • A research station is overrun by hostile alien insects. All hope is lost... Until justice arrives! (Read)


MaGMML48h Promo Art by Phusion The year is 20XX and... Mega Man and the Light family need a break. They decide to take a vacation on the luxury cruise ship, the SS Elroy, manned entirely by robots! But, as usual, something goes wrong. The cruise ship is suddenly taken hostage by a brand new group of villains... The Box Cartel! They all have a few screws loose, and hope that by luring out Mega Man and beating him, they can impress Dr. Wily and join his evil ranks... Except their leader, the enigmatic Don Atetemino. What is his deal? Mega Man and the Box Cartel's battle begins, with the SS Elroy as the battlefield! So much for relaxation...

MaG48hMML is a freeware fangame that compiles a massive level design contest into a complete game experience, framing the contest results as the annual "Simulfest", a simulation fair held all throughout the SS Elroy, a large luxurious cruise ship hubworld. I was the game's co-director and creative lead, and I also wrote the entire game's script! The heart of the story is in the Box Cartel, with the player getting "both sides" of the story through cut-aways after progress milestones.
  • The cruise ship is taken hostage! The villains make their grand debut! (Watch)
  • A pirate offers Mega Man a job and guides him to his captain's ship. There, he finds an evil scheme! (Watch)


Yggdrassil Memorial art by Nestorn In a fantasy world with magic derived from flora, the nation of Galendia finds itself in the midst of a struggle between "Galendia and its People's Security Association" (or "GiPSA" for short), an oppressive organization that took power after the King's... mysterious demise, and "The Prism", a revolutionary force that's seeking to overthrow them and restore peace. The Prism, though, is an organization full of bureucracy and hierarchies... And there is such a thing as "inconveniences" to them. The Prism's Division 11, in charge of the submarine known as "The Prismarine", is where all the troublemakers and weirdos are tossed aside. But Division 11's captain, Minos Makroth, doesn't see them as inconveniences... Rather, he sees them as hope. When their medic, Shanoa Renland, finds out her brother got involved, she can't help but question his vision.

Meanwhile at the Prismarine is a 3k word short story written as part of an Armor Astir TTRPG campaign that I'm the GM of. The story details the ongoings and worries of the party's allies, during a period in which they were separated from their homebase after a series of chaotic events. It also serves as a character study of Cpt. Makroth, an enigmatic man with big ambitions beyond The Prism's.

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